New CTI Jobs | College Teacher Interns jobs in Punjab Higher Education Department - New CTI Jobs 2022 for College Teaching Interns Vacancies in the govt colleges under Punjab Higher Education Department Colleges has been announced through official advertisement by Punjab Government On 15 December 2022 in Daily national Nawa e Waqt Newspaper. These CTI New jobs has been announced for both males & females interested candidates of Punjab & they will have to teach in Punjab Education Department colleges classes of Intermediate 11th, 12th & higher.
The last date to apply for these new cti jobs is 26-12-2022.
Applications of interested candidates will start in all colleges from 21 December 2022.
For these new cti jobs minimum education requirements are BS Hons or Masters Degree in any subject.
Selected candidates will receive 45000 per month salary.
How to Apply for New CTI Jobs Latest 2022:
Interested candidates have to visit relevant Boys / Girls Degree College to get all the information from their relevant College Notice Board regarding Job of CTI.
Interested candidates have to apply in their respective District Government College.
Note: Interested candidates can apply in more than one Colleges. Applicants have to submit their updated professional CV / Resume along with attested documents before due date.
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