PPSC Educators new Jobs 2022 Equivalence Qualifications and Degrees - PPSC Educators Latest Jobs Punjab 2022 is coming soon as Education Minister of Punjab Government Murad Raas has announced that Govt of Punjab School Education Department is going to hire 16000+ teachers on various posiitions on BPS-14, BPS-15, and BPS-16. For these ppsc educators jobs 2022 the required qualification is MA or MSC. B.ed is not compulsory.
Many Interested candidates are little confused about their qualifications and the Equivalence of different degrees. Jobs Consort has gathered the previous ppsc official documents and has been listed the degree programs and qualifications.
There are three various categories of teaching positions in the School Education Department jobs 2022. In Jobs primary School Teacher is called PST, ESE (Elementary School Educator) and the basic pay scale of ESE is BPS-14. ESE is called Elementary School Educator. Middle school teacher EST in punjab govt is called SESE. In these jobs 2022 the basic pay scale of SESE is BPS-15. SESE is called Senior Elementary School Educator in Punjab govt jobs. High Classes teacher SST is called SSE in Punjab govt jobs. The basic pay scale of this post SSE is BPS-16. SSE is called Senior School Educator.
Disclaimer: All given information above on this page is provided on the basis of previous PPSC Knowledge. PPSC Punjab public service commission can change its rules and degree criteria whenever they want. But this can be clarified when PPSC Educators Jobs 2022 Advertisement will be announced soon.