Police Jobs 2021 | New government jobs 2021 - Latest police jobs 2021 has been announced through latest advertisement. Advertisement of these new government jobs 2021 is published in leading daily newspaper. Applications are invited from energetic, eligible and suitable candidates to fulfil these announced positions. Interested candidates male and female both can apply for these police jobs 2021. For complete detail of these latest police jobs 2021 read full page of jobs consort.
Announcement Date:
18 March 2021.
Last Date to Apply:
05 April 2021.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates can download application form from official website: www.balochistanpolice.gov.pk.
Challan Forms is also available on the Police’s Official website. Applicants should fill the application form carefully and attach educational testimonials, Copy of CNIC, Domicile and 04 fresh passport size photographs. Applicants should also pay an Application Processing Fee of Rs. 200/- with the application form. Applicants can submit their applications to their District Police Office before closing date.